
Paloma's quarry

And the great earth, with neither grief nor malice,
Receives the tiny burden of her death.


karine leger said...

everything is so beautiful here

the river said...

Thank you K!

MANDY said...

What a perfect photograph, just divine ... hope you are well lovely girl X

the river said...

Thank you Mandy! I'm well - I've been meaning to write to you for so long... perhaps I should just arrive with a bottle of wine instead. xx

Sister Golden Air said...

I absolutely adore your blog! I'm following as of now! Follow me back if you like;) Xxx

Leslie Avon Miller said...

the tiny burden of her death. oh. oh. to be received so.

the river said...

Leslie, I know......

Sister Golden Air, that's quite a title and thank you so much! There isn't a link I can follow to your blog..